C. Rosenblum & E. Valliant. Techniques to Enhance the Bioactivity of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK). BONEZONE/OMTEC White Paper, published by ORTHOWORLD®. 2024.
C. Rosenblum, MATRIX Dual® Expands Micro-Scale Morphology Potential of Orthopedic Implants. BONEZONE/OMTEC White Paper, published by ORTHOWORLD®. 2021.
C. Rosenblum, Finishing 3D Printed Devices with MATRIX MCD® Apatitic Abrasive. BONEZONE/OMTEC White Paper, published by ORTHOWORLD®. 2020.
D. Lunking, G. Fritz, C.M. Rosenblum, S. Barron, T.P. Weihs. Materials Characterization and Testing of Al/Ni-V Reactive Laminate Foils with Ni-V Cap Layers. Manuscript prepared for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 2011.
C.M. Rosenblum, L.A. Darnell, W.V. Koenigswald, K.J.T. Livi, M.F. Teaford, T.P. Weihs. Variations in the Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Water Vole (Arvicola amphibius) Molar Enamel, in preparation for Amer J. Phys. Anthro. 2010.
J. Chiang, C.M. Rosenblum, L.A. Darnell, K.J.T. Livi, M.F. Teaford, T.P. Weihs, Variations in the Mechanical Properties of Capuchin Monkey (Cebus) Molar Enamel, in preparation for Amer J. Phys. Anthro. 2010.
B.S. Shah, T.R. Hricik, C.M. Rosenblum, M. Chen, I. Matushansky, J.J. Mao. Growth Attenuation of Cancer Initiating Stem Cells by Doxorubicin-Conjugated Quantum Dots. Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS). 2009.
H. Do, T.R. Hricik, C.M. Rosenblum, M. Chen, B.S. Shah, I. Matushansky, J.J. Mao. Cancer Stem Cell Growth is Attenuated by Doxorubicin-Conjugated Quantum Dots. Journal of the William Jarvie Society, College of Dental Medicine, Columbia University. Volume 52, Spring 2009.
B.S. Shah, I. Matushansky, K. Betz, T.R. Hricik, C. Rosenblum, J. Mills, J.J. Mao. Quantum dots as cell tracking probes and drug carrier. In Sitharaman B (Ed.) Nanobiomaterials CRC press/Taylor Francis group (Boca Raton, Florida, USA). 2009.

Advancements in Bioceramic 3D Printing with Calcium Phosphate, AM Ceramics, Hybrid (October 2024) [LINK]
JHU Biotech Trek to NYC, The Life Design Lab, The Johns Hopkins Univiersity (October 2024)
Bioactive Breakthroughs: How Himed's Biomaterials are Revolutionizing Implant Design, Long Island Chapter of ASM: The Materials Information Society, Centereach NY (September 2024) [LINK]
3D Printed Orthopedic Implants, 3DHeals LLC, Virtual (August 2024) [LINK]
3D Printed Ceramics for MedTech: Multifeature Disruption, Additive Manufacturing Media, Virtual (June 2024) [LINK]
Surface Treatment of Medical Devices: Enhancing Biocompatibility and Bioactivity, International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering (Materials 2024), Burlingame CA (June 2024) [LINK]
The Great Variability of Hydroxyapatite: Exploring Different Forms and Unique Materials Engineering Applications, Ceramics Expo, Novi MI (April 2024) [LINK]
Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Coatings via Plasma Spray Deposition, Materials Research Society Meeting & Exhibit, Seattle WA (April 2024) [LINK]
3D Printing and AI in Orthopedics, 3D Heals LLC, San Francisco CA (February 2024) [LINK]
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, Senior Design Research, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University (January 2024) [LINK]
Medical Device and Biotech Industry Professional Development Bootcamp and Trek, The Life Design Lab, The Johns Hopkins University (January 2024) [LINK]
Biomaterials Bioinks for 3D Printing, 3DHeals LLC, Virtual (September 2023) [LINK]
Post Processing of Additively Manufactured Titanium Medical Devices via MATRIX MCD® Apatitic Abrasive, RAPID + TCT, Chicago IL (May 2023) [LINK]
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, Senior Design Research, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University (February 2023) [LINK]
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, The Materials Graduate Society (MGS), Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University (February 2023) [LINK]
Post Processing for Healthcare 3D Printing, 3DHeals LLC, Virtual (October 2022) [LINK]
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, Pre-Dental Society, The Johns Hopkins University (November 2021)
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, Senior Design Research, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University (October 2021)
Career Discussion and Introduction to Himed, Senior Design Research, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University (March 2021)

Community Manager - New York, 3DHeals LLC (2023 - Present)
Advisory Board Member, The Johns Hopkins University Materials Science & Engineering (2022 - Present)
Keynote Speaker, The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Fellowship Dinner (2009)
Excellence in Innovation Award, BIOMEDevice Biotechnology Expo (2023)
Supervisor of the Year Award Nominee, The Johns Hopkins University (2014)
John W. and Mary Lou Ross Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University Materials Science and Engineering (2009-2010)
Senior Design Engineering Award, The Johns Hopkins University Materials Science & Engineering (2009)
Above and Beyond Award, The Johns Hopkins University Residential Life (2008)

Additive Manufacturing Strategies, 2024
Ceramics Expo, 2024
International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, 2024
Materials Research Society Meeting & Exhibit (MRS), 2024
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting (AAOS), 2023-2024
Medical Device & Manufacturing (MD&M), East: 2015-2019, 2023, West: 2021
North American Spinal Society Annual Meeting (NASS), 2021, 2023-2024
RAPID + TCT, 2023
Greater New York Dental Meetings (GNYDM), 2008-2022
Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Expo (SFB), 2022
Orthopedic Manufacturing & Technology Expo (OMTEC), 2022
BIOMEDevice Biotechnology Expo, 2021
International Pharmaceutical Expo (INTERPHEX), 2015-2017